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Techila – The pinnacle of AutoML

How to make model training and re-training faster and cheaper? We envisioned a multi-use AutoML, aiming to create a solution superior to other HPO services in the market.

  • Created a novel solution for AI/ML for Techila's computing environment.

  • Used Bayesian optimization, gradient-free optimization, random&grid search as well as reinforcement learning.

  • Extended the product to a multi-use AutoML with black box optimization capabilities.

Novel solution for a next generation compute grid

Techila Distributed Computing Engine is a next generation compute grid. It is a user-friendly solution that can improve the productivity of users from the research and development to applications that are deployed within production environments.

In this project, Techila wanted to create a novel solution for AI/ML for their computing environment. Together we identified hyperparameter optimization as a potential candidate. Our data scientists started working as part of Techila’s team, aiming to create a solution superior to other HPO services in the market.

Extending the product to a multi-use AutoML

Starting with this idea, we also extended the product to a multi-use AutoML with black box optimization capabilities. In practice, it takes in parameters and returns a score, which is used to fine-tune the input parameters. The solution is instantly usable by data science teams, reducing the need for manual processing of parameters. This makes model training and re-training a lot faster and, most importantly, cheaper.

For tech enthusiasts, we used for example Bayesian optimization, gradient-free optimization, random&grid search as well as reinforcement learning to come up with the state-of-the-art solution, with tools like Scikit-Learn, CatBoost, XGBoost, LGBM, Keras/Tensorflow and Pytorch.

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Our collaborations — imagining together
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