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Leanware's software AI develops with Veracell's support

Leanware, a supply chain software provider, has partnered with AI specialists Veracell in 2024 to enhance their products. Their initial focus is on developing AI-driven demand forecasting models to optimize inventory management. This collaboration aims to address modern supply chain challenges through innovative AI solutions, with a pilot program planned to test and refine their first model.

  • Providing AI experts specialized in supply chain optimization.

  • Developing a forecasting model that can improve product availability while reducing overstocking.

  • Initiating a pilot phase with end-users.

Artificial intelligence for supply chain management and optimization

Leanware develops software solutions for supply chain management and optimization. Leanware's product family includes a Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Warehouse Management System (WMS), and Supply Chain Management system (SCM).

Veracell and Leanware formed an AI partnership at the beginning of 2024. Veracell provides AI experts specialized in supply chain optimization, who work closely with Leanware's software and business experts. Our collaboration enables innovative solutions that address today's challenges in supply chain management and optimization.

At the beginning of the partnership, we identified demand forecasting models for product items as the most crucial development area, which would provide valuable input data for supply chain optimization. We have already developed the first forecasting model that can improve product availability while reducing overstocking. The next plan is to initiate a pilot phase with end-users, where the model's suitability will be tested in practical scenarios and further developed for broader application.

Our team

Prabu Mohan
Data scientist
Daniel Ciovica
Data scientist
Timo Erkkilä
CEO, AI Advisor & Sales
Vili Sipilä
Data Engineer & Project Manager

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Our collaborations — imagining together
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